Take the First Step Toward Your Cosmetology Career Now!
Take this free cosmetology practice exam to test your current cosmetology knowledge and see which niche in the beauty industry may be your calling. With such a wide variety of careers to enter within the field of cosmetology, our free cosmetic practice exam will help narrow down your choices, making it easier for you to decide. Need training? Find a school near you.
More reading: After Passing Your Cosmetology State Board Exam
Question 1 of 50
Which portion of the hair is chemical wave solution absorbed faster?
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You are one step closer to a rewarding career in the field of cosmetology!
According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists is expected to grow 13 percent through 2026. This is great news for you because that means there will be demand for many years to come.
Are you ready to start your exciting career in cosmetology?
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