Take the First Step Toward Your Cosmetology Career Now!

Elite School of Cosmetology

Elite School of Cosmetology - Norwalk, OH


"At Elite School of Cosmetology, there are several things that clearly set us apart from other Cosmetology Schools. The first is the smaller size of our classes. Compared to other schools we have a small student to instructor ratio that helps ensure the quality of education to each student. One of the biggest factors to consider when deciding on a Cosmetology school is the instructors’ experience and knowledge in the beauty industry. Our instructors have a combined thirty-eight years of their instructors’ license as well as sixty-four years of salon experience. All of our instructors are very compassionate in educating our students. When comparing schools these are only a few examples to take into consideration when choosing the school that is right for you."

Classes only available on campus. Financial aid available to those who qualify.

Cosmetology / Cosmetologist, General

Aesthetician / Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist

Nail Technician / Specialist and Manicurist


175 Benedict Avenue




Career School Now - Elite School of Cosmetology Norwalk, OH