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Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy

About Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy

"The Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy is committed to providing a safe and positive environment to a diverse community of students. We empower students through quality education in Esthetics and Massage Therapy. Emphasis is placed not only on theory and technique but also on personal growth, development of self-awareness, and innovation within the industries. Through technical knowledge and sense of touch, Elizabeth Grady professionals in turn empower the public by promoting whole health, wellness, and beauty from the inside out."

The school awards diplomas to nearly two hundred students each year. Many graduates choose to take advantage of the opportunity to interview with the Elizabeth Grady Company for employment at one of the ever expanding Elizabeth Grady locations. Other Elizabeth Grady graduates choose to begin their own businesses or gain employment with physicians of various specialties including physical therapists, chiropractors, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons. Some move in a creative direction as a makeup artist or choose to perform skin care, makeup, and/or massage therapy services in other reputable salons and spas.

Classes only available on campus. Financial aid available to those who quallfy.


The Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy is approved and licensed by the U.S. Department of Education, MA Division of Professional Licensure Office of Private Occuparional School Education, MA Board of Cosmetology, and accredited by NACCAS.


Learn more at the Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy website.

Campus Location

222 Boston Avenue




Career School Now - Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy

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