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What's A Cosmetology School Program Like?

You’re considering going to cosmetology school, but you’re not sure what to expect. Is cosmetology school expensive? What will I learn? Will I get hands-on experience? This article covers the basics of cosmetology school and gives you an idea of what your program may be like.

Cos Education Overview

Cosmetology programs are designed to teach you everything that you need to know to become career ready. During these seemingly short months, you will learn how to turn your passion for beauty into a full-time career. Your classes will dive into hair, skin, nails, makeup application, and other valuable skills that are essential to know as a working professional.

While the cost for each program varies, you can expect to spend anywhere between $15,000 and $21,500. This range is before any applicable financial aid is deducted. These numbers may not include the costs of textbooks and materials, so take that into consideration as well.

You will likely have the option to go to school in the morning or evening, and some schools offer part-time tracks as well as the full-time option. On average, 1,000 to 2,000 educational hours is the amount of time necessary to complete a program, but each state has its own specific requirements.

After your program is finished, your last step is to take the state boards exam. Once you’ve passed, you’re officially a licensed cosmetologist.

Coursework: What’s In The Books?

When preparing yourself to begin cosmetology school, you should expect to start your education in the classroom before you begin hands on training. This is where you’ll learn about the theory of your practice and understand the science behind your craft. This will include hygiene, safety and sanitation requirements, and even the anatomy and physiology of the body.

Much of your coursework will be hair based, including the techniques behind hair styling, hair coloring, and hair cutting. In addition to hair, you will also learn about skin, nails, and makeup application.

Finally, you’ll learn about professionalism and basic business practices. You will be working to build a strong clientele, so these valuable customer service skills will come useful when scheduling and managing your clients.

Hands-On Training

In addition to your classroom course work, you’ll have the opportunity to put your skills to the test on mannequins or even real models in the salon. Let your creativity shine and have your passion come to life through your work. There’s no better way to learn than by doing it yourself, so this is your time to make mistakes and perfect your craft.

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State Board Exam Preparation

After completing your cosmetology program, you must first pass the state board exam in order to legally start working. The requirements of the state board exam will differ between each state, with some requiring only a written test and some requiring a practical portion as well. Because each state has different requirements, the school that you chose will tailor its classes to best prepare you depending on your specific location.

Your educators will want you to pass just as much as you, so they will do the best that they can to prepare you. The best thing that you can do is practice, so be sure to study as much as you can. Taking practice certification exams is a great tool to ensure that you are walking into your exam, prepared, confident, and motivated.


Becoming A Cosmetologist

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