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Online Cosmetology School

The recent trend in beauty isn’t a new makeup technique or hair color process. It’s more schools leaning toward part-online cosmetology training. Currently, some states allow up to 50 percent of your cosmetology credits to be done via an online route.

All-Online Cosmetology School: Is It A Good Idea?

The long-short of it: No, all-online cosmetology school isn’t a good idea. And the reality is, as of this moment, no cosmetology schools even permanently offer programs that are 100 percent online—though some temporary allowances have been made. However, it looks as though all-online training is becoming more of a possibility, as schools find new ways to train you with technology.

The trouble with all-online cosmetology training is, cosmetology programs are a combination of coursework and hands-on practice. To gain the proper skill-set and knowledge base, you need to have both of those aspects in your education. With any type of online school, it eliminates the interaction you’ll have with peers and instructors. In person training is a facet of your schooling that will help you grow and gain experience in the beauty professions.

Online Training Has Its Benefits

In general, online courses are very flexible and can make your education convenient on so many levels. There are some schools that are already delivering their training materials online instead of through bulky textbooks. Talk about a relief for shoulders and backs everywhere!

Part-online cosmetology school can be advantageous if you are working full time or have other commitments; you go over the same amount of material covered in a traditional classroom setting, and you can do it at your own pace. Another check in the pro column is that online schooling sometimes has a lower cost than the traditional school setting.

If you're looking for all-online training, there are a variety of all-online trade school programs to choose from.

The Goal Of Cosmetology School

The goal of cosmetology school, whether in the classroom or online, is starting a career. Your cosmetology program will prepare you for your state board exam,  the one thing you absolutely need do well on. You’ll have 90 minutes to complete this multiple choice exam that combines all the different services you learned such as nails, hair, and skincare, along with the scientific concepts. Find a cosmetology school near you.

See what it's all about, try our state board exam practice tests.

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